Sweet almond oil
December 13, 2023Sweet almond oil

Find all our products with Sweet almond oil.

Did you know that sweet almond oil was already used in ancient Egypt and by the Romans? Pharaohs used it for massages and oil baths¹.

What is Sweet almond oil?

Sweet almond oil is extracted from almond, the fruit of the sweet almond tree, which can reach up to ten meters in height. Also known as Prunus dulcis, this tree is native to the Middle East and North Africa, although it is now cultivated in other parts of the world, such as California.

The benefits of Sweet almond oil

The cosmetic benefits of this ingredient are manifold. Sweet almond oil is softening², and restores the skin suppleness. Ideal for dry or sensitive skin, it keeps the skin in good condition and maintains its natural moisture level.

How to use Sweet almond oil?

Rich in omega-9³, almond oil is a key ingredient in the blooming belly™ bar range. Its nourishing properties make it an excellent vegan skincare product for babies' delicate skin.

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¹ : http://www.yiango.io/sante/zoomsurlamandedouce/#:~:text=Elle%20%C3%A9tait%20d%C3%A9j%C3%A0%20utilis%C3%A9e%20en,bain%20ou%20pour%20les%20massages.&text=En%20cuisine%2C%20c'est%20une,Elle%20se%20consomme%20fra%C3%AEche.
² : http://www.compagnie-des-sens.fr/huile-vegetale-amande-douce/
³ : http://www.passeportsante.net/huiles-vegetales-g152/Fiche.aspx?doc=huile-amande-douce
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